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Fairies, Fairies, Fairies

Uncataloged Fairy Art

See the listing immediately below for cataloged fairies. Scroll for the wild fairies.

General Fairy Resources:Fairy Backgrounds and Fonts and more

Arthur Rackham: Gallery , Books , Posters and Prints ,

Edmund Dulac:Gallery , Books , Prints

Sulamith Wulfing:Gallery , Books , Prints

Warwick Goble:Gallery , Books , Posters and Prints

Cicely Mary Barker:Posters and Prints , Books and Calendars

Adrienne Segur:Gallery , Books

Fairy with Cornflowers


Birds Nest




Der Drachenritt


Dreams 1

Dreams 2

Elf King

Elves Hiding

Elves and Fairies


Fairy Banquet

Fairy Barque

Fairy Feller

Fairy Mushroom

Fairy Queen

Fairy Raid

Fairy Tree

Mice Chase

Midsummer Fairy 1

Midsummer Fairy 2

Music Master

Nach Ist Mein Stilles Meer


Old Fairy Tale

Titania & Peasebottom

Piper of Dreams


Reconciliation (detail)


Titania Sleeping



Webb Theatre

Widow Whitson

Yellow Sands

Note: If you came here directly, there are more fairies (by artist), fairy links, and fairy resources on the Main Fairy Page. Also, fairies do not always stay where they are told, so you may find them hiding in the individual artist pages:

Edmund Dulac Fairy Art

Dulac Fairies: Fairy and fairy tale images are included in the illustrations of Edmund Dulac: Edmund Dulac Fairies.

Arthur Rackham fairies

Rackham Fairies!: Arthur Rackham's fairies from Peter Pan, the Fairy Tale books, Comus, and elsewhere.

Faeries, Gustave Dore

Gustave Dore: Faeries, the Divine Comedy (angels and more), and illustrations to Don Quixote and the Bible by Gustave Doré.

Victorian Fairies

Victorian Fairies: Fairy Art from Rackham, Dulac, Maybeck, Hughes, Doyle, Naiash, Fitzgerald, Simmons, and others. Victorian and Preraphaelite Fairies and Uncataloged Fairies (You are here).

Sulamith Wulfing, Easter Candles

Sulamith Wulfing: Fairies and some angels Sulamith Wulfing. Instructions for Ukrainian easter eggs (like those shown) are here.

Warwick Goble, Three Spirits Mad with Joy

Warwick Goble: Fairies and other fantasy Warwick Goble.

Kip, The Enchanted Cat - Adrienne Segur

Adrienne Segur: Adrienne Segur's fairies from The Fairy Tale Book and other fairies and fairy tale creatures. Link to The Fairy Tale Book, if you've been looking for it.

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